The international consortium of the EU project has developed and launched a Virtual Academy for Health: a unique virtual space created for exchanging and gaining knowledge on European healthcare issues that fosters the use of ICT for learning, exchange, and collaboration in the healthcare sector, multiplies and furthermore consolidates dialogue arenas among policy makers, students, researchers, healthcare professionals and citizens.
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Finnish Heart Research Technology VTT's Method Eases Early Diagnosis of Severe Heart Muscle Disease
Dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart muscle disease leading to dilation and impaired contraction of the left ventricle, is a severe and often familial disease. It is difficult to diagnose the disease with cardiac ultrasound, particularly at an early stage when there are only minimal, early changes of the heart. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a method based on cardiac MRI, currently in research use, to help the physician to identify disease-related changes of the heart at an early stage.
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Call for papers: eHealth and Beyond
Today, citizens aged 65+ make up 16 percent of the total population in all EU countries; this is projected to rise to 18 percent by 2010 and will continue to rise. The most dramatic increase is expected in the 80+ age range with a corresponding increase in co-morbidities that will place additional strains on existing health systems.
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GoOn Research and Development Project Wins Theseus-Mittelstand
Transinsight announced today that the consortium formed with RESprotect, Antikörper-Online, and the Bioinformatics group of Prof. Dr. Michael Schroeder at TU Dresden, has won the Theseus-Mittelstand for R&D project GoOn. Over the next two years, the project - based on the results of Theseus One - will develop praxis-relevant semantic technologies for information handling in the biomedical domain.
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Call for Applications for the 4th European eGovernment Awards
The European Commission will present the 4th edition of the prestigious European eGovernment Awards at the 5th EU eGovernment Conference in November 2009. Since their launch in 2003, outstanding practices on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in various European public sector organisations have been awarded.
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Commission Calls for Doubling Funding for ICT Research and Innovation
Making Europe the world leader in ICT is the goal of the new strategy proposed by the European Commission. Today Europe represents 34% of the global information and communication technologies (ICT) market, and its value is growing by 4% per year. However, the value added produced by the EU's ICT sector amounts to only 23% of the total, because both Europe's market and research efforts are fragmented.
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Project Launched by VTT Develops Computer Models for Predicting Dietary Effects on Health
VTT is launching an extensive EU project called ETHERPATHS, studying the effects of dietary effects mediated by gut microbiota on lipid metabolism. The aim is to accelerate the development of health-promoting foods. The project develops computer assisted models with which food companies and research institutions, for instance, will be able to predict the effects of foods in the body.
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