eHealth Lessons for High School Students in the Veneto Region, Italy
There are 99 classes in 14 High Schools in all the 7 provinces of the Veneto Region that are involved in @Two!Salute!, educational experience promoted by Arsenàl.IT in collaboration with the Veneto Region (Italy) and all the regional public local health authorities. The project aims at involving students in innovation applied to healthcare, making them conscious users and active promoters of eHealth services. The first lesson is going taking place into the ITC Calvi High School in Belluno on the 24th November.
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Improved Risk Communication During Infectious Disease Crises
As cases of the Ebola disease emerge in Europe, the crisis is gaining increasing levels of media coverage. Certain types of coverage can foster fear and stigmatisation which leads to harmful consequences for the individuals, communities and countries involved. Therefore communication strategies that maximise opportunities and minimise risks are vital.
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Isn't it Time that UK Family Doctors Embraced Email Services for their Patients?
The UK government sees the use of email contact and e-consultations as a means of boosting patient access to primary care and is piloting these services in 20 general practices in England. It has mandated email communication for repeat prescriptions and appointment booking in the latest general practice contract and stipulated that patients should be able to communicate electronically with their health and social care team by 2015.
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Finnish Researchers Developing a Digital Maternity Package
Every Finnish expectant mother can choose to receive a free of charge maternity package containing baby clothes and other useful items. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is currently developing a digital maternity package with the purpose of gathering reliable health information provided by various smart devices, electronic services, and guides into a single user interface.
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SUSTAINS Project: 25 Partners Meet in Treviso to Talk about Online Access of Patients to Their Personal Clinical Data
For one day, 16th September 2014, Treviso (Italy) is going to become the eHealth capital city in Europe as for online access of patients to their personal clinical data thanks to the project steering committee meeting of SUSTAINS. It is a European initiative that gathers 16 partners from 11 different countries (and 13 EU regions) that aims at studying and experimenting eHealth services that guarantee citizens/patients a direct online access to their personal clinical data.
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Traditional Prescription Goes Digital in Veneto Region, Italy
From today, in Veneto Region the traditional prescription will make room for the digital one. The prescription drug will no longer be delivered to patients by general practitioners on the traditional "red prescription", but through a memo printed on white paper. With this reminder citizens will, as usual, go to the pharmacy and pick up the prescribed medication.
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EU Researchers Use Brainpower to Get Moving
Grabbing a glass or typing an email: these are some everyday gestures that are not possible for people with serious physical impairments - even though they have the will and the brainpower to do so. EU-funded projects such as TOBI (Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction) are working on technologies that could greatly improve the quality of life of people such as 20-year-old Francesco or 53-year-old Jean-Luc.
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