eGovernment Observatory becomes eGovernment Practice

The Swiss National Strategy recognizes that Switzerland has an advanced eHealth level of development but in general it is on delay comparing with foreign realizations and activities in this sector.
The iWebcare project, which kicked off in January 2006, is a 2.3 million venture to design an information technology (IT) response to track healthcare swindles.
The European Commission is interested in creating a network of organisations interested in the analysis, measurement and spread of good practice in Europe, particularly in the field of eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth.
In gaining 'associated status', the signatory countries will now be able to participate in all the FP7 calls for proposals, including those opened since the beginning of the year.
One of the outcomes of the European research project PalCom is a new technology for rehabilitation children with Down's syndrome, autism or other kinds of physical and cognitive impairment.