European Commission Launches the 2008 European e-Inclusion Awards
The European Commission has just launched the first ever European e-Inclusion Awards. As part of the European Commission's e-Inclusion Initiative, the Awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of Information and Communications Technology to reduce digital and social exclusion. These awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of ICT to reduce digital and social exclusion.
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BMJ Group Teams up with the College of Emergency Medicine
BMJ Learning, part of the BMJ Group, announced that it has formed a partnership with the College of Emergency Medicine in the UK, to provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses for Fellows and Associate Fellows of the College. The new learning resources are provided in a series of modules-those available immediately include courses on self-harm and the Medical Capacity Act, the management of acute coronary syndromes, and syncope.
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The Health-EU Portal Celebrates its 2nd Anniversary
"The Health-EU portal is a gateway to health information in 20 languages. I hope it will soon become one of the first places where European citizens seek health information on the web. The information has to be clear, concise and relevant to their needs - providing the users with the tools and information they need to make informed healthy choices" says Robert Madelin, Director General for the Health and Consumers Directorate General of the European Commission.
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UK Government Launches National Debate on the Future of Care
Health Secretary Alan Johnson today launched an intense six month debate about the future shape of care and support services. A rapidly ageing population means that in 20 years' time a quarter of the entire adult population will be over 65 and the number of people over 85 will have doubled.
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Top Inventors Honoured at European Inventor of the Year
Medical technologies dominated the field at the European Inventor of the Year Awards, which were handed out at a ceremony in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 6 May. The inventors of a pioneering antiviral therapy, a new eye-scanning system and a robot surgery process were all honoured for their work, as was the team responsible for making car frames both lighter and safer.
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UCL researchers publish Summary Care Record (SCR) evaluation
A UCL (University College London) research team, led by London GP Professor Trisha Greenhalgh, has published its independent evaluation of the first year of the Summary Care Record (SCR) programme. The team found that although the SCR offers real benefits for treating patients in emergency and unscheduled care settings, the "complicated" technical system needs to be refined before being rolled out.
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EHTEL Paves Way to Sustainable HealthCare
The findings of a report recently published by the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) is presented at the eHealth High Level Conference in Portoroz, Slovenia 6-7 May 2008. "Sustainable Telemedicine: paradigms for future-proof healthcare" presents the current achievements and best practice examples drawn from a number of either on-going or completed pilot projects across Europe.
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