Big Differences in Attitudes to Science in the Media
While the public in Member States that were part of the EU before 2004 are generally open to science news, with more than 62% saying that they are interested in scientific research, this figure falls to just 38% for those Member States that joined since 2004. The differences range from 80% in Sweden to just 24% in Bulgaria. This is just one of the findings in a new Eurobarometer survey on scientific research in the media.
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Invitation to Expert Panel on Remote Patient Monitoring
This study is being conducted by Brigham and Womens Hospital, Decision Systems Group and Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Institute for Innovation Research, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (INNO-tec). The aim of this research is to understand more about the emergence of new technologies for remote monitoring of patients; market acceptance of these technological advances and related innovation in the field of health care delivery.
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eHealth Topic of the Month - Telemedicine
The European Commission (EC) has encouraged experts in the field of telemedicine to play an active role in the development of innovative technologies for chronic disease management. The TeleHealth 2007 conference (Brussels, Belgium, 11 December 2007) aims to identify barriers to broad telemedicine development and concrete actions for the European Union Institutions, Member States, Regions, Industries, User organisations and other stakeholders.
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Research Institutes from Finland and Singapore Develop Remote Healthcare Services
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and A*STAR Agency for Science, Technology and Research from Singapore have developed remote healthcare services that allow patients to be treated globally independent of time and location and irrespective of the solutions provided by hardware and data system suppliers. In Finland, the first trial services for treating cardiac patients and patients suffering from chronic illnesses have been promising.
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EU Project Wears Technology on Its Sleeve
If the move from the typewriter to the computer was a revolution, then the next stage in evolution could see humans interacting with computers inserted into their clothes. The EU-funded WearIT@work project has imagined just such a scenario. Its researchers have been busy exploring a range of applications where wearable technology could facilitate a new form of human-computer interaction to significantly improve the productivity of workers and even help save lives.
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The European Journal of ePractice, a new online publication on eGovernment, eHealth and eInclusion has been launched as an initiative of the European Commission's portal. The aim of European Journal of ePractice (EJeP) is to reinforce the visibility of articles as well as that of professionals in eTransformation, building an author's community which will strengthen the overall activity.
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SAPHIRE Patient-Monitoring System Enters Testing Phase
An EU-funded project developing an intelligent healthcare monitoring and decision-support system is about to start testing two applications. Now that the technical implementation has been completed, the SAPHIRE project's pilot studies will involve monitoring cardiovascular patients in a hospital in Romania and in homecare in Germany.
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