Award for Open Source Application for Analysing Health Data
Health Atlas Ireland, an Open Source application to analyse health related datasets using geographical information systems (GIS) and statistical software, was one of twenty projects that were given the 'Prime Minister Public Service Excellence Award'. The awards were handed out last month by Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern.
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Scientists Propose Creating Unique Identification Codes for Biobanks
All biobanks (collections of human biological samples) should be given a unique identification code, EU-funded scientists suggest. Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), they argue that such a scheme would optimise the use of these resources and open up new avenues for genetics studies.
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Find a project - Feature for FP7 Projects Now Online
CORDIS, the Community research and Development Information Service, has added a new project search function to its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) website. By selecting 'Find a project' in the website's navigation bar, users will have access to a search form, enabling them to conduct free text searches. Users can also search by thematic priorities or by a specific activity within each priority.
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BioMOBIUS Research Platform Allows Sophisticated Technology Solutions for Biomedical Research
TRIL (Technology Research for Independent Living) Centre launched the BioMOBIUS Research Platform, an open shareable technology platform, which allows researcher to rapidly develop sophisticated technology solutions for biomedical research. This platform helps researchers to reduce the time spent on developing foundational technologies, allowing them to focus on their actual research.
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Electronic Procurement in the EU Opens Doors to Cross-Border Business
The European Commission is moving a step closer to making it easier for companies, in particular Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), to bid for public sector contracts anywhere in the EU; a crucial step towards achieving the Single European Market. The Commission will co-finance a pilot project, driven by eight European countries that will create the conditions to link existing national electronic public procurement (e-procurement) systems.
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European Commission Launches the 2008 European e-Inclusion Awards
The European Commission has just launched the first ever European e-Inclusion Awards. As part of the European Commission's e-Inclusion Initiative, the Awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of Information and Communications Technology to reduce digital and social exclusion. These awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of ICT to reduce digital and social exclusion.
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BMJ Group Teams up with the College of Emergency Medicine
BMJ Learning, part of the BMJ Group, announced that it has formed a partnership with the College of Emergency Medicine in the UK, to provide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses for Fellows and Associate Fellows of the College. The new learning resources are provided in a series of modules-those available immediately include courses on self-harm and the Medical Capacity Act, the management of acute coronary syndromes, and syncope.
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