European Commission Calls for an All-Inclusive Digital Society
Despite technological progress and enhanced competition, more than one in three Europeans are still excluded from fully benefiting from the digital society. Benefits of 35-85 billion over five years could be generated if society would be made more inclusive, websites more accessible and broadband Internet made available to all EU citizens. Commission presents its e-Inclusion initiative to Council, calling on Member States to support a number of key actions, including an awareness campaign for 2008 "e-Inclusion, be part of it!" e-Accessibility legislation, similar to that of the USA, is also under consideration.
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Amigo - Ambient Intelligence for the Networked Home Environment
Traditionally home automation, consumer electronics, mobile communications and personal computing were strictly separate domains all having their own industrial companies, with their own business plans, standardization efforts and form factors. By introducing the networked home, also called the connected home, this traditional separation of activities is no longer valid.
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Cardiff University Project Heralds New Approach to IT in Healthcare
Healthcare@Home, the research project led by Cardiff University in partnership with IBM has developed a new approach to the use of information technology in healthcare. The project delivers an open-standard framework for earlier detection of disease that allows healthcare providers globally to "plug and play" a wider range of technical solutions to deliver more 'personalized' and cost-effective services to their patients. The governments Technology Strategy Board is commending the project as an example of best practice.
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New Details of ERC's Advanced Grant Scheme Announced
The European Research Council (ERC) has released new details of its Advanced Grant scheme, which will provide research funding to Europe's very best researchers. As explained by ERC President Fotis Kafatos, the application process and evaluation methodology have been refined since this year's launch of the Starting Grant scheme.
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Seamless European eHealth Web
Europeans are more mobile than ever before, moving not only around their own countries, but also across a largely borderless EU, in pursuit of leisure, education, career advancement or cultural enrichment. In addition, healthcare has changed significantly, with fewer people sticking to the same doctor, more patients visiting different specialists, health workers moving around more, as well as the emergence of eHealth technologies which allow remote treatment and consultations.
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European Journal of ePractice: Call for papers
On 30 November 2007 launches a peer-reviewed online publication on eGovernment entitled European Journal of ePractice. The Journal belongs to the community, and is run by an Editorial Board. The aim of European Journal of ePractice (EjeP) is to reinforce the visibility of articles and professionals in eTransformation. The publication will promote the diffusion and exchange of good practice in eGovernment, eHealth and e-Inclusion and will be open access, free of charge to all readers.
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From 3,000 to 30,000 Members: The First 8 Months of ESR
With 29,375 radiologists on board as per 31st of October, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) has increased its membership ten-fold since it was created eight months ago. With 2,564 members back in March 2007, the ESR has been rallying an impressive number of radiologists thanks to its principle of openness and accessibility to everyone, translated into a low membership cost.
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