The 2006 Organising Committee contributed to the development of the 2007 Call for Papers Topic Categories. The Organising Committee members include: WHO (World Health Organization), EC (European Commission), HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society), COCIR (European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry), CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors), EHMA (European Health Management Association), EHTEL (European Health Telematics Association), EUROREC (European Institute for Health Records), HINE (Health Information Network Europe), and HOPE (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation).
The Programme Focus
Because the adoption of IT in healthcare is a global initiative one that affects the healthcare community throughout the world this conference will focus on the role and impact of Health IT on the health sector in Europe and other parts of the world, including the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). The educational sessions will primarily address experiences from deployed services, and focus on proven benefits in quality and efficiency. The demonstration activities will give unique insight into the practical aspects of IT systems and their connectivity.
Topics to be addressed in the conference include:
- Integrating IT Leadership to Improve Healthcare Delivery and Performance
- eHealth Implementation From Plans to Action
- Patient Safety
- Integrated Care
- Emerging Technologies and Healthcare Delivery
The Conference Format
Designed to be dynamic and interactive, The World of Health IT 2007 Conference & Exhibition will engage participants in thought-provoking discussions and offer ways to experience technology applications first-hand.
The conference will offer the following:
- Keynote addresses by leading healthcare experts, practitioners and officials from EU and national governments
- Education sessions about timely healthcare IT trends and issues
- Best practices and real-world case studies from throughout the EMEA region
- Open forums for discussion and debate
- Panel discussions bringing together healthcare professionals, authorities, directors and vendors
- E-Sessions (electronic poster sessions)
- A trade exhibition where companies can showcase their products/services
Austria Center, Vienna, Austria
For more information about the event, or to find out how you can participate, please contact:
Joanne Bartley
The World of Health IT 2007
Chicago, IL
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel +1 312 915 9251
Through this link, http://cfp.worldofhealthit.org/ you can apply to participate in this event through the Call for Papers. Please note that the deadline for the Call for Papers has been extended until Friday, 9 February, 2007.
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