Personal Health Record LifeSensor and Health Portal Onmeda to cooperate

InterComponentWareInterComponentWare (ICW), a leading international eHealth specialist, and Onmeda, one of Germany's leading health portals and provider of top-quality medical content, have arranged a cooperation concerning content and distribution: Users of the LifeSensor personal health record will get access to plain but substantiated medical information in the future. Simultaneously, Onmeda will offer the LifeSensor personal health record on

As content supplier and strategic partner of ICW, Onmeda offers its large data base with detailed information on more than 700 diseases and methods of treatment and examination, among other things. By this, LifeSensor users will have access to top-quality information on their diseases and risk factors with a single mouse click directly from their personal health record. Furthermore, interactive tools like a diabetes risk test, a diet check or a fitness barometer will be offered. Also, within this year, Onmeda will start to offer LifeSensor, the personal health record, on its portal.

Frank Warda, MD and executive board member of ICW considers this cooperation as a perfect complement: "With the personal health record LifeSensor, our clients can save their health data in a concise way and have access to them at any time. Due to the direct connection to the medical information of Onmeda, our clients will be able to better understand the health information contained in their personal health record. By this, our clients can control their health management in a more active way.

"We are glad to have the opportunity to take part in one of the most exciting current eHealth projects", says Philipp Montgelas, director of Onmeda health portal. "Our long experience in the interactive and plain presentation of top-quality medical content will help to provide LifeSensor users with a better understanding of the complicated medical world."

With approximately 7.5 million page visits in June 2006, the industry independent Onmeda website is one of the largest health portals on the German internet. Onmeda only offers top-quality content: All texts are written and edited by experienced physicians, medical journalists and other health experts, such as dieticians or psychologists. Onmeda, as well as LifeSensor, complies with the internationally accepted HONcode quality standards. HONcode stands for Health On the Net Foundation.

For more information, please contact:

InterComponentWare AG
Dirk Schuhmann
Otto-Hahn-Straße 3
69190 Walldorf
Tel: 06227-385-133
Fax: 06227-385-199
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OnVista AG
Silja Moderer
Sophienstraße 3
51149 Köln
Tel: 02203-9146-305
Fax: 02203-18 06 40
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About InterComponentWare
InterComponentWare AG (ICW) is a leading international eHealth specialist with locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the USA, and Bulgaria. Its solutions for networking the various participants in the health care system achieve a sustained improvement in process-oriented communication and data integrity – and thus the quality of medical care. Among other things, ICW develops and markets software and hardware components for the healthcare IT infrastructure for the electronic health card, the personal health record LifeSensor, and network solutions for clinics and physicians in private practice. As part of the bIT4health consortium, ICW has provided important consulting services for the deployment of the electronic health card in Germany and is also involved in the Austrian eCard project.

About Onmeda is a leading German health portal. The website was awarded with the afgis certificate, one of the most renowned quality awards for German health websites. Onmeda is run and marketed by OnVista Media GmbH, an enterprise of OnVista Group. As distributor of medical content, OnVista Media GmbH offers the licensing of all content published on their health portal. By request, new content will be developed. Reference customers are e.g. AOL and Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung. The media portfolio of OnVista Group also includes, the leading bank-independent finance portal. Another main pillar of the enterprise is Ligatus the performance marketing-business. In the financial year 2005, OnVista Group achieved a sales volume of € 9.74 million and earnings before tax amounting to € 1.61 million. OnVista was founded in 1998 and is based in Cologne.

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