Health meets digitalisation. From 26 to 28 April 2022 DMEA - Connecting Digital Health, the leading platform for health IT, is opening its doors again on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds.
Experts representing business and science as well as practitioners are invited to shape next year's all-day event programme with their contributions. From now until 2 December they can submit their papers for this event.
Who can take part?
The call for papers is open and free for anyone involved in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector: researchers, users in the medical and nursing professions, startups and major companies.The abstracts submitted must deal with one of the 14 topics decided upon by the DMEA advisory committee for next year's event. They are:
1. Connected Care 2022: Are we finally getting there?
2. Cloud in Healthcare: Conflict with On-site Services vs. Solution of the Resource Problem
3. Digital Maturity Assessments - Objectives, Methods, Tools, Experiences and Expectations
4. Digitalisation in Nursing Care - Not only in Hospitals
5. Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Care
6. Cross-sectoral Integration of Electronic Patient Records in Care Processes
7. I am not a Computer Specialist - How to build up Digital Competence
8. Information Security in Inpatient and Outpatient Care
9. Organisation of IT in the Digital Transformation
10. Semantic Interoperability
11. Future Services of the German Health Telematics Infrastructure
12. ePrescriptions and Medication: Implementation and Experience
13. European Specifications and Projects for IT in the Healthcare Sector
14. The Future of Digitally Interconnected Medical Practices
Candidates are welcome to attend open meetings on 03 and 10 November where they can find out more about how to apply, the necessary requirements, and ask any questions they may have.
After the deadline for submissions on 02 December all the entries will be assessed by a panel made up of representatives of associations, ministries, self-government, industry and science.
Information on how to apply and details of the call for papers can be found at: www.dmea.de/en/Programm/Call-for-Papers
DMEA 2022 to be an in-person event again
Due to the pandemic DMEA was twice held as an entirely virtual event, but in 2022 is scheduled as an in-person event again. The focus will be on networking and building contacts - naturally in strict compliance with the applicable hygiene measures.
About DMEA
DMEA is Europe's leading event for health IT which gathers decision-makers from every area of the healthcare sector - including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives as well as experts from politics, science and research. In 2019 a total of 11,000 trade visitors came to DMEA to find out about the latest developments and products, acquire qualifications and establish important industry contacts. The next DMEA will take place from 26 to 28 April 2022 in Berlin.DMEA is held by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) and organised by Messe Berlin. It is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Chief Information Officers of University Hospitals (CIO-UK) provide contributions on the subject matter.