The sessions are held as live events at two different times in one day - in order to allow various time zones to benefit and to provide a dynamic real-time Questions & Answers period. Participants can view the session through Webex and listen via a separate conference phone line (for better quality). The agenda is composed of a 25 minute presentation by a guest Radiologist followed by a short presentation by the host Agfa HealthCare. Then the forum will be opened to an interactive Q&A
The True Meaning of Integrated Workflow
The first session will broadcast on June 26 and will include a presentation by Dr Jan Schillebeeckx, who, as Chairman, led Imelda Hospital in Bonheiden through a series of IT efficiency improvements that translated in a yearly 10% efficiency improvement over the past 5 years.
His topics will include :
- What does integrated Workflow mean?
- The minimum integrated solution - beyond PACS, RIS , HIS
- The Workflow follows the Patient
- The worklist, the dashboard to start your day
- Data and Image info at a glance, an effective combination
- How do processing tools help in your workflow?
- Results distribution & clinical collaboration
- Integrated meeting preparation (Rounds) & execution
The session will be held twice live on June 26 Simply register beforehand by clicking on your preferred session.
- Session 1: 8 am US Eastern Standard Time (Boston)/2pm Central European Time (Brussels)
- Session 2: 1 pm US Eastern Standard Time (Boston)/7pm Central European Time (Brussels)
For further information, please visit:
AGFA Radio Talk - Where radiologists speak about their technology experiences