In the Speakers page close to the speakers' photo and short resume Personal Health Systems 2007 Conference (PHS) organizers have included web links to the conducted presentations. Additionally, please note that a pleasant Conference Photo Gallery as well is accessible for all PHS 2007 Conference web site visitors.
PHS 2007 Conference welcomed more then 400 participants, and as it has been previously mentioned it was very successful at least by being able to host the participants coming from Research, Industry and Academic eHealth related areas.
PHS 2007 Conference Speakers list:
- Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Member of the European Parliament
- David Whitlinger, President and Chair of the Board of Directors, Continua Health Alliance, Director of Healthcare Device Standards and Interoperability, Intel Corporation
- Maarten Barmentlo, CEO Connected Care, Consumer Healthcare Solutions, Philips
- Yves Masson, CEO, AXA Insurance
- Professor Roberto Ferrari, President-Elect, European Society of Cardiology
- Stephan Kiefer, Fraunhofer Geschelshaft, DE
- William Lalinde, M.B.A., H.S.A., Business Manager, MOTOHEALTH, iDEN Sector, Global Mobile Devices Business, Motorola, Inc., USA
- Joerg Habetha, Philips Research, DE
- Alberto Sanna, Fondazione Centro San Raffaele del Monte Tabor, IT
- Emanuele Bosi, Fondazione Centro San Raffaele del Monte Tabor, IT
- Sture Pettersen, Deputy Manager of The Norwegian Centre of Telemedicine and Head of the Tromsø Telemedicine Laboratory (TTL), NO
- Erwin van Leussen, Manager Innovation, Achmea Health Insurance, NL
- Rainer Herzog, Head of Healthcare, Ericsson Enterprise, DE
- Gilles Conchon, AXA Insurance, FR
- Simonetta Scalvini, Head of Telemedicine Service, IRCCS Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, IT
- Hugues Metras, CEA-Leti, FR
- Diana Hodgins, European Technology for Business Ltd, UK
- Danilo de Rossi University of Pisa, IT
- M. Schurr, Novineon Healthcare Technology Partners GmbH, DE
- Herc Neves, IMEC, BE
- Alexandre Tsoukalis, Managing Director, Micrel Medical Devices S.A., GR
- Roberto Ferrari, President-Elect, European Society of Cardiology
- Kalevi Virta, TEKES FinnWell Programme Manager, Navicre Oy, FI
- Francisco J. Ibáñez, Deputy Head of Unit "Microsystems", DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
- Ilias Iakovidis, Deputy Head of Unit "ICT for Health", DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
- Gérard Comyn, Head of Unit "ICT for Health", DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
- Paul Timmers, Head of Unit "ICT for Inclusion", DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
- Manuel Hallen, Head of Unit "Medical and Public Health Research", DG Research, European Commission
- Alain Franco, Grenoble University Hospital
- Christer Neleryd, National Health Authority, SE
- Josh Collett, AARP, USA
- Hannu Hanhijärvi, SITRA, FI
- Rosanna Tarricone, Director of the Economic Affairs Department, EUCOMED, BE
- Jean-Claude Burgelman Head of Unit, Technologies for Information and Communications, IPTS, DG Joint Research Centre
- Andreas Diesen, MS Ministry, NO
- Harald Korb, Personal HealthCare Telemedicine Services GmbH, DE
- Alain Coheur, La Mutualite Socialiste, BE
- Adrian Flowerday, CEng, Managing Director, Docobo Ltd
- Josep Roca, Hospital University Clinic Barcelona, ES
- Nicos Maglaveras, Associate Professor in Medical Informatics, Aristotle University School of Medicine
- Christiano Paggetti, I+piu, IT
- Lutz Kubitscke Senior Research Consultant, Empirica, DE
- Paul Panek, Assistive Technology Researcher, Vienna University of Technology, AT
- Karl Stroetman, Senior Researcher Consultant, Empirica, DE
- Anastasia Garbi, Director, Exodus, GR
- José Antonio Valverde, Scientific Officer, Unit "Technologies for Information and Communication", Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Paul Timmers Head of Unit ICT for Inclusion, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
For PHS 2007 Conference Speakers download links, please visit - PHS 2007 Conference Speakers Section
For PHS 2007 Conference Photo Gallery, please visit - PHS 2007 Conference Photo Gallery
For further information, please visit - PHS 2007 Conference Home Page
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