The Finnish Centre for Science (CSC) in Helsinki, Finland, will provide the perfect backdrop to discuss how the pharmaceutical sector is, today, a natural adopter of Grid technologies. Distributed computing infrastructures enable a more seamless collaboration in terms of analysis activities and the product design process. By embracing these new technologies, Bio-informatics research centres and ultimately pharmaceutical companies will be able to bring products to market faster, with better quality and efficiency, thus gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace and increasing revenue. These are all key business drivers not only for pharmaceutical companies but also for businesses operating in a broad spectrum of sectors.
The 5th EGEE Industry Day is devoted to exploring these issues, offering insight into new solutions aimed at enabling biological and medical problem-solving. This event will offer a forum for interaction with EGEE Management, developers of the EGEE Grid infrastructure and experts in Bio-Informatics. Business players and research organisations will learn about the EGEE framework through which they can confidently move forward with the adoption of its Grid technologies.
The agenda includes case studies and real-life scenarios, with presentations exploring current and future developments of the EGEE Grid infrastructure, as well as Scandinavian and European perspectives and the potential for collaboration in this domain. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to find out about Bio-informatics services, one of CSC's core areas, built on the most powerful computing and network infrastructures in the Nordic countries.
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