The eHealth procurers Forum at ePractice.eu is an initiative sponsored by the European Commission to help practitioners in eHealth procurement in Europe to meet and share their experiences and knowledge, to ask for advice and provide support.
The community is open to practitioners from European national and regional administrations, from public and private organisations, from academia and research centres. Hopefully such a variety of stakeholders will provide different contributions, approaches and points of view.
The eHealth Procurers Forum is an open space to express opinions and exchange knowledge and where members are encouraged to provide contributions and participate in the discussions and events. It is not an official Commission site. The community is mainly focused on technical and organisational aspects of eHealth Procurement.
According to The eHealth procurers Forum the main proposed topics are: Computer assisted surgery, Decision support systems, Electronic health records, Health portals, Homecare & Telecare Services, Hospital information systems, Medical Imaging, Patient summary, Personal Health Systems, Regional/national Health Information Networks, Telemedicine services, Wearable/Portable Systems for Health monitoring, etc.
For further information and registration, please visit:
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About ePractice.eu
ePractice.eu is a portal created by the European Commission which offers a new service for the professional community of eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth practitioners. It is an interactive initiative that empowers its users to discuss and influence open government, policy-making and the way in which public administrations operate and deliver services. For further information, please visit www.epractice.eu