A first version launched in 2006 iPLATO Patient Care Messaging has been now been adopted by 1 in 8 of GP practices in England. The rate of adoption has increased rapidly over the past 3 months with and an additional seven Clinical Commissioning Groups from the North West of England to Bexley in the South East are expanding their iPLATO Patient Care Messaging services to cover their entire populations adding 170 GP practices covering some 1.2 million patients to the iPLATO network.
Clinical Commissioning Groups sign up to iPLATO for a range of reasons:
- iPLATO Patient Care Messaging freed up 300,000 urgent GP appointments in 2014. With a larger user base this number will increase significantly in 2015 allowing more patients to be seen in primary care and reducing the burden on local A&E. No other Health Tech provider brings benefits of this scale to the health service.
- iPLATO Patient Care Messaging is independent of NHSmail SMS. Centrally funded text messaging on the internal NHS e-mail system is being abolished in 2015. CCGs and GP practices are seeking an experienced partner to continue popular text messaging services.
- iPLATO is the only organisation in the UK which has successfully launched text messaging services across more than 50 PCT/CCGs. Through a tested change process the iPLATO team is able to bring the diverse population that work in GP practices to adopt new ways of communicating with patients.
Commenting, Tobias Alpsten, Chief Executive Officer of iPLATO said: "We have seen an accelerated uptake of the Patient Care Messaging service so far in 2015. While this growth is set to increase further in England in Q2 and Q3 due to the abolition of NHSmail SMS we are also seeing growing interest from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In times of rapid change it is reasonable that NHS organisations seek to partner with the most experienced organisation which offers the broadest and best product portfolio. For mobile communication in British primary care, this organisation happens to be iPLATO."
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About iPLATO
iPLATO Healthcare is British innovation company dedicated to mHealth and Analytics since 2006.
iPLATO's evidence based mobile health solutions have proven to improve patient access to healthcare, to enable powerful health promotion targeted at people at risk and to support people with long term conditions.
Serving millions of patients and thousands of healthcare professionals every day iPLATO has emerged as the leader in mobile health. Across this network the company is running campaigns to promote smoking cessation, weight loss, childhood immunisation and pandemic awareness as well as mobile disease management services for people with diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy and HIV.
iPLATO Healthcare's mission is to, in partnership with clinicians, help healthcare commissioners transform patient care through cloud based mHealth and Analytics.