Call for Papers - The 21th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems

The 21th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2008) is intended to provide an international forum for discussing the latest results in the field of computational medicine. The scientific program of CBMS 2008 will consist of invited keynote talks given by leading scientists in the field, and regular and special track sessions that cover a broad array of issues which relate computing to medicine.

The conference topics include but are not limited to:

  • Software Systems in Medicine
  • Computer-Aided Diagnosis
  • Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
  • Knowledge-Based & Decision Support Systems
  • Medical Devices with Embedded Computers
  • Signal and Image Processing in Medicine
  • Medical Image Segmentation & Compression
  • Network and Telemedicine Systems
  • Medical Databases & Information Systems
  • Web-Based Delivery of Medical Information
  • Multimedia Biomedical Databases
  • Content and Semantic Analysis of Biomedical Image Data
  • Handheld Computing Applications in Medicine
  • Bioinformatics in Medicine
  • Pervasive Health Systems and Services

CBMS 2008 invites original previously unpublished contributions that are not submitted concurrently to a journal or another conference. Many of the above listed topics are represented by corresponding Special Tracks, while others are solely covered by the general CBMS track. Prospective authors are expected to submit their contributions to one of the corresponding Special Tracks or to the general track if none of the special tracks is relevant. Please, see the list of Special Tracks at

Each contribution must be prepared following the IEEE 2-column format and should not exceed the length of 6 (six) Letter-sized pages submitted electronically before the paper submission deadline (28 January 2008) using the paper submission system (a link to the system will be provided soon on All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Each Program Committee of the corresponding Special Track or General Track will be responsible for the final decision about acceptance of papers submitted to that track. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE CS Press. At least one author must pay the registration fee before March 28 for each accepted paper.

Important Dates
Paper submission due for both general and special tracks 28 January 2008
Notification of acceptance for papers 28 February 2008
Final camera-ready paper due 28 March 2008
Pre-registration deadline 28 March 2008
CBMS2008 symposium days 17-19 June 2008

For further information, please visit:

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