Interoperability: Key to international business - The role of ICT Standards

CEN, CENELEC, ETSI and ANSI have combined to organise a conference on Interoperability, to be held in Warsaw (Poland) on 6-7 February 2008. The Conference will provide an international platform for business and technical decision makers and other stakeholders to exchange views and anticipate necessary interoperability developments in standardization that will help market-driven solutions.

The conference on Interoperability: Key to international business is an unprecedented event that will provide a first-class opportunity for stakeholders to develop and discuss their views on a major challenge for the future developments of standardization and industry activities worldwide: interoperability.

Interoperability, not be confused with inter-connectivity or compatibility (co-existence), is a vital component in the development of markets for Information Communication Technologies (ICT) equipment and service. It is the ability to exchange and use information between networks, systems, devices, applications or components. Without interoperability, the Information Society would not be possible and users would quite simply live in a different world.

Standardization is an essential ingredient in achieving efficient interoperability and assists in avoiding market fragmentation. Understanding about this issue among governments, industries (both as solution providers and end-users) and social partners is improving, but more needs to be done to improve awareness on this matter. Experts from the European, American and Polish industry and standardization arena, as well as officials of the European Commission, representatives of the Polish and American Governments and representatives of Academia will help take the debate further by their contribution to the Conference.

Key conference themes will include:

  • Home and Building Electronic Systems
  • eBusiness Interoperability
  • Radio Frequency Identification Devices
  • Entertainment Applications
  • Case Studies on Interoperability - eHealth, eLearning, eSkills, eGovernment
  • Technical Interoperability and Quality of Standards

The CEN-CENELEC-ETSI-ANSI Interoperability Conference is officially supported by the Directorate General Enterprise and Industry for the European Commission and the EFTA Secretariat, and hosted by the Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN).

For registration and further information, please consult the Conference website:

About the Conference Partners
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN)The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a business facilitator in Europe, removing trade barriers for European industry and consumers. Its mission is to foster the European economy in global trading, the welfare of European citizens and the environment. Through its services it provides a platform for the development of European Standards and other technical specifications. CEN’s 30 National Members work together to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs) in various sectors to build a European Internal Market for goods and services and to position Europe in the global economy. More than 60.000 technical experts as well as business federations, consumer and other societal interest organizations are involved in the CEN network that reaches over 460 million people. For further information please visit

The European Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationThe European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - is officially responsible for standardization in the electrotechnical field. In an ever more global economy, CENELEC fosters innovation and competitiveness, making technology available not only to major businesses but also to SMEs through the production of voluntary standards. CENELEC creates market access at the European level but also at the international level through its cooperation agreement with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Through the work of its 30 Members together with its experts, the industry federations and consumers, electrotechnical European Standards are created in order to help shape the European Internal Market, to encourage technological development, to ensure interoperability and to guarantee the safety and health of consumers, as well as the environmental protection. Detailed information available at

ETSIETSI produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), including fixed, mobile, radio, converged, broadcast and internet technologies. ETSI is officially recognized by the European Commission as a European Standards Organization. The high quality of its work and open approach to standardization has helped it evolve into a European roots - global branches operation with a solid reputation for technical excellence. ETSI is a not-for-profit organization whose 700 ETSI member organizations benefit from direct participation and are drawn from 60 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. ANSI provides a neutral forum for organizations from both the U.S. private and public sectors to come together and work cooperatively to enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the American quality of life. ANSI accredits organizations that develop voluntary national consensus standards and American National Standards guided by the Institute's cardinal principles of consensus, due process and openness. ANSI is the sole U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), via the U.S. National Committee. Additional information is available at

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