The ICMCC Event is an international event dealing with patient-related ICT, focusing in 2008 on information related aspects, patient record access, electronic health records and behavioral compunetics. A high quality paper presentation programme representing some of the leading researchers in the field will be offered as well as an outstanding forum of key-note speakers.
For its fifth annual event, ICMCC will focus on the power of information. Information is both the result of data put to use and, once combined with experience, the basis of knowledge. If used properly it can empower patients, both actively and passively.
Information is one of the primordial aspects of medical and care compunetics, the field of social, societal and ethical aspects of computing and networking.
Therefore information related aspects will be at the core of the 2008 event program and this call for papers.
The main themes of the conference are:
- Electronic Health Record (EHR) Approaches
- Patient Record Access
- Compunetics (Social, societal and ethical issues of ICT)
- Data-, Information-, Knowledge Management
Authors are encouraged to focus their contributions from a patient's perspective.
Accepted papers will be published in "Medical and Care Compunetics 5" (IOS Press - "Studies in Health Technology and Informatics") available at the conference.
For further informaton, please visit:
ICMCC (International Council on Medical & Care Compunetics) is an international foundation operating as the knowledge centre for medical and care compunetics, making information on medicine and care available to patients using compunetics as well as distributing information on the use of compunetics in medicine and care to patients and professionals. For further information, visit www.icmcc.org.