DMEA - Connecting Digital Health: Record Year with Over 700 Exhibitors and High-Level Speakers

DMEA - Connecting Digital Health25 - 27 April 2023, Berlin, Germany.
DMEA 2023 opens today with a wide range of topics on the digital transformation of the healthcare system. More than 300 speakers will be on the stages of the DMEA over the next three days, among them Federal Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, Dr. Susanne Ozegowski and Dr. Markus Leyck Dieken.

Over 700 exhibitors from Germany and around the world, including 80 startups, will present themselves and their innovative products and solutions to trade visitors at DMEA, more than at any previous event. Last year 517 exhibitors took part, while in 2019, before the Covid pandemic, 569 companies and institutions attended. DMEA is attracting more and more international exhibitors, last year from 25 countries, while this year companies and institutions from close to 30 countries are taking part. The startups in particular are from all over the world, including Germany, Europe, South Korea and Israel.

A list of exhibitors at DMEA 2023 can be found here.

Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Health and patron of DMEA: "Digitalisation will completely change modern medicine and promises breakthroughs in supply and research. Patients will benefit, and so will Germany as a place for business. Digitalisation is a big opportunity especially for the German economy, as the country has huge untapped potential. It is time to get into gear. In the coming months our digital laws will create conditions for better treatment and research."

Melanie Wendling, managing director, bvitg e. V., organizer of DMEA: "We saw it last year already - DMEA is simply better as an in-person event! We look forward to the many exhibitors and trade visitors and naturally to be able to offer such a wide-ranging and fascinating congress programme again. DMEA is not merely an industrial trade fair. DMEA is the future. This is where we see and discuss what digitalised healthcare can and should look like."

Dirk Hoffmann, CEO Messe Berlin: "With over 700 exhibitors from around 30 countries and a wide-ranging congress programme, DMEA is bigger and attracting more international participation than ever. DMEA has confirmed its standing as Europe's leading health IT event. DMEA is the main platform for everyone aiming to drive the digital transformation in the healthcare system - be they in industry, politics, self-government and research or users such as care workers and doctors."

DMEA congress with a wide range of topics

What comes after the introduction of the digitalisation strategy for the healthcare system and nursing? What does green IT in German hospitals look like and what challenges are young professionals facing on the way to a career in health IT? These are some of the questions that DMEA will be examining from 25 to 27 April 2023 in Berlin. Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, who is acting as patron of the event, will hold a keynote speech at the start of DMEA 2023. On day two of DMEA, Dr. Susanne Ozegowski, head of Digitalisation & Innovation at the Federal Ministry of Health, will answer questions in the eHealth Hot Seat. On day one at the new bvitg debating club, Prof. Ulrich Kelber, Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Information Security, and Dr. med. Markus Leyck Dieken, managing director of gematik GmbH, will take part in a lively exchange. The topic will be the impact of data protection on the digital transformation of the healthcare system. More than 300 speakers will be on the DMEA stages on all three days, offering practical insights into industry topics ranging from the electronic patient file, ePrescriptions, AI, the telematics infrastructure, digital health applications, data protection and green IT to interoperability and IT security.

A complete list of the DMEA programme can be found here.

DMEA sparks puts the spotlight on careers, newcomers and sustainability

Career tours, a Meet2Match event and virtual job market - for students and graduates the DMEA sparks format opens the door to established companies, universities and hospital IT departments and brings employers and prospective employees into contact with each other. At the DMEA sparks Box speakers will have information on how to get started in health IT.

Full details of DMEA sparks can be found here.

About DMEA

DMEA is Europe's leading event for health IT which gathers decision-makers from every area of the healthcare sector - including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives as well as experts from politics, science and research.

Every year, the DMEA dedicates a separate program to the central topic of "young talent and careers".

2022, the DMEA was able to achieve an increase in visitors: More than 11,000 trade visitors attended DMEA - plus over 500 exhibitors and 300 national and international speakers.

In 2020 and 2021, the DMEA could only take place digitally due the pandemic. In 2021, more than 4.000 participants registered for the digital version of DMEA, and around 2.500 viewers watched the program items every day.

The DMEA is organized by the Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT - bvitg e.V. (Federal Association for Health IT) and is hosted by Messe Berlin GmbH. The DMEA is also organized in cooperation with the industry associations GMDS (German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology) e.V., BVMI (Professional Association of Medical Informatics) e.V. and with the content-related participation of KH-IT (Federal Association of Hospital IT Managers) e.V. and CIO-UK (Chief Information Officers - University Hospitals).

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