DMEA 2022: Digital Health - Opening the Door on Careers

DMEA - Connecting Digital Health26 - 28 April 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Almost every industry is desperately in search of skilled workers, whether in nursing, IT, the skilled trades or industry - and digital health is no exception. Clever minds are needed to ensure that in the future software, apps and technology will continue to be developed and optimised. This year, DMEA is again providing a platform for making contact with digital health companies, networking and meeting potential employers of the future.

Meet2Match connects the industry and young professionals

12 career partners will be at the event to assist students, graduates and young professionals with information about jobs with their companies and offer important tips for careers in digital health. Young professionals will be able to make contact with career partners at speed dating events - where they can ask questions and introduce themselves to the relevant representatives of companies. Every five minutes the conversation partners will change, enabling each student and trainee to briefly meet every career partner. The career partners in 2022 are Cerner Corporation, Dedalus HealthCare GmbH, DMI GmbH & Co. KG, Friedrich-Wingert-Stiftung, InterSystems GmbH, m.Doc GmbH, medatixx GmbH & Co. KG, Meierhofer AG, NEXUS AG, Sana Kliniken AG, Deutsche Telekom Healthcare Solutions GmbH and x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH.

Guided career tours on the DMEA grounds

A career tour will take place on both the Tuesday and Wednesday of the fair, each visiting five career partners. They will be able to give a short presentation introducing themselves to prospective employees. No registration is necessary for the career tours. Incidentally, visitors can combine tours with the Young Professional Rallye, for which an app will be available in the run-up to DMEA. In it, each company will pose a question or set a small task which young professionals must solve. The winners will receive a prize.

DMEA honours Bachelor's and Master's degree final papers with the Newcomer Award and presents the Audience Award

As in previous years, DMEA is honouring Bachelor's and Master's degree final papers with the Newcomer Award. 65 papers have been submitted, and a jury is currently selecting the best entrants. The five finalists in the Bachelor's and Master's degree categories will introduce themselves at DMEA and the winners will receive awards. Last year the award for the best Master's degree paper went to Yauheniya Zhdanovich, She impressed the jury with her paper on predicting cancer disease occurrence with machine learning methods. A video of the 2021 awards ceremony is available here.

Safety First

DMEA will most probably take place under "3G" rules - all persons taking part must be vaccinated, have recovered from Covid or present a negative test result, and must wear a mask. This year, tickets to DMEA can be purchased online only. Students of all ages can visit the fair free of charge by presenting a student ID. Additional information is available here.

About DMEA

DMEA is Europe's leading event for health IT which gathers decision-makers from every area of the healthcare sector - including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives as well as experts from politics, science and research. In 2019 a total of 11,000 trade visitors came to DMEA to find out about the latest developments and products, acquire qualifications and establish important industry contacts.

DMEA is held by the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg) and organised by Messe Berlin. It is organised in cooperation with the following industry associations: the German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg), the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the German Medical Informatics Professional Association (BVMI). The National Association of Hospital IT Managers (KH-IT) and the Chief Information Officers of University Hospitals (CIO-UK) provide contributions on the subject matter.

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