The four main aspects that make this event unique the conferences, the trade show, the business convention and the recruitment drive bring together partners from the worlds of Industry, Research and Finance. All aspects of the subject will be represented, from the "health sector" applications for biotechnology (Healthcare , pharmaceuticals, diagnosis) to the fields in which biotechnology provides technological solutions and product applications (cosmetics, chemistry, the environment, the food industry...).
EuroBiO aims at gathering the whole European biotech and pharmaceutical communities around an operating platform based on the following 4 pillars:
- EuroBiO Trade Show, the exhibition that will gather 400 international exhibitors on 8000 m².
- EuroBiO Partnering, the business convention, a genuine catalyst for business development and technology transfer projects among 400 companies and organizations.
- EuroBiO Career Fair, the recruitment drive, a tremendous opportunity bringing together companies, universities and highly-qualified job seekers.
- EuroBiO Conferences, the economic and scientific workshops, round tables and lectures, featuring 200 key note speakers.
The conferences are organized according to four major tracks, and about 10 sessions each:
- Biotech Economy and Business Development
- Red Biotechnology
- White and Green Biotech
- Regulatory Affairs / IP / Technology
EuroBiO 2007 returns to Lille with ever-greater ambitions, in line with how the event has succeeded in attracting more international interest at each edition, be it at the trade exhibition (70% of which is already attributed) or in the congress-member delegations.
EuroBiOpartnering is the business convention, playing the role of a genuine catalyst for technology transfer projects. It also encourages and supports inter-company and business-academic laboratory research collaboration. This year, EuroBiOpartnering should result in 1,000 business meetings.
Above all, EuroBiO is also a question of knowledge, enhanced by first-hand reports and exchanges of experiences. There are some 40 lectures bringing together more than 200 speakers of world renown.
As there are no state boundaries in the biotechnology sector, EuroBio is committed to encouraging action, meetings and the growth of the bioscience/bioindustry/pharma sector on an international scale.
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