TeleHealth 2007 - premieres with top-notch conference program

TeleHealth 2007TeleHealth 2007 - the International Conference and Exhibition for Telemedical Technologies and Applications - features a cutting-edge conference program. Running in tandem with CeBIT 2007, the conference is being staged at the Deutsche Messe-owned Convention Center in Hannover, Germany. With a focus on chronic illnesses, health care and home care, the event features international experts in more than 30 talks and panel discussions involving current and future possibilities for telediagnostics, telemonitoring, sensor systems & data transmission, databases and expert systems.

Taking place on 19 and 20 March, the conference schedule is as follows: On Monday, 19 March, the opening event will take place under the slogan "TeleHealth 2007 - Redefining Health". German Health Ministry Undersecretary of State Dr. Klaus Theo Schröder will deliver the opening address, followed by distinguished keynote speakers like economics theoretician Leo A. Nefiodow. This will be followed by a topical introduction by Dr. Martin Denz, Vice President of the Brussels-based European Health Telematics Association, on the subject of "From Illness-focused Diagnostics and Treatment to Personal Health". This discussion will be followed by topic clusters on Telediagnostics and Telemonitoring. The first day of the conference will be crowned by a "highlight session" entitled "Continuity of Care", an event sponsored jointly by Deutsche Messe and the Continua Health Alliance, an organization uniting major corporations like Dell, IBM, Pfizer, Roche and Astra Zeneca in a commitment to find ways of producing superior health care management through the deployment of telemedical systems.

All conference attendees are invited to a "TeleHealth" evening event beginning at 6:30 p.m. on 19 March, where the primary goal is to encourage interpersonal networking within the sector.

The second day of the conference, Tuesday, 20 March, will be kicked of by a panel discussion on the topic of "Communications Technology in the Sensitive Zone Between People and High-Tech", followed by topic clusters involving sensor systems and data transmission, databases and expert systems. Tuesday at the conference will also close with a "Continuity of Care" event, staged in cooperation with Continua Health Alliance.

Simultaneous German/English translation will be provided for the entire conference program of talks and discussions.

Running concurrently with the conference, around 50 leading enterprises will present their innovative telemedical systems and applications in the foyer of the Convention Center. Simultaneously, exhibitors will offer company presentations targeted at conference attendees. At the Public Sector Parc display in Hall 9, CeBIT will also offer a comprehensive exhibition sector entitled "eHealth", where topics like the digital management of health care data will be covered.

For further information, please visit:

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