This event aims to contribute to the strategic development of a common European approach to the human physiome. It will provide an opportunity for the Community at large to join in the discussions related to that strategy, and to influence the course that the development will ultimately take.
The event is organised by "STEP: a Strategy for The EuroPhysiome", a cordination action partially supported by the European Commission. It aims to provide a roadmap to the development of the Virtual Physiological Human, a methodological and technological framework that once established will enable the investigation of the human body as a single complex system.
STEP represents a collective European response to the individual actions by creating an integrated framework - EuroPhysiome - which, while remaining true to the overall physiome concept, can accelerate the progress of the European teams by avoiding redundancy, enhancing compatibility and identifying deliverables and time scales.
The STEP Consortium actively encourages a wide participation in the Internet-based debate started after STEP Conference 1, which took place in May 2006.
This debate should allow a draft Roadmap (the final version of which is to be published by the STEP project in March 2007) to be broadened and deepened and will identify particular issues that will need to be discussed in detail at Conference 2, attendance at which is open to all.
For further information, please visit:
STEP Conference #2