Dealing with medical and care compunetics, the field of social, societal and ethical implications of computing and networking, ICMCC decided to focus the 2009 Event on Patient 2.0 Empowerment, more specific on Electronic Health Records (EHR) and secondarily, the connection between EHR and Digital Homecare.
In a recently published paper, we defined Patient 2.0 Empowerment as: "The active participation of the citizen in his or her health and care pathway with the interactive use of Information and Communication Technologies."
Main subjects for the call for papers are:
- EHR and Knowledge Management
- Social aspects of EHR
- Ethical aspects of EHR
- EHR and digital homecare
- Future of EHR (visionary)
Deadline submission of full event papers: 1 February, 2009
Notification of acceptance: 2 March, 2009
Deadline submission of final paper version: 29 March, 2009
Event registration open: 2 March, 2009
ICMCC Event 2009: 1-3 June, 2009
Authors are encouraged to focus their contributions from a patient's perspective.
Accepted papers will be published in "Medical and Care Compunetics 6" (IOS Press - "Studies in Health Technology and Informatics"), available at the conference.
Papers can be sent as mail attachments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. mentioning "Event paper" in the subject line before February 1, 2009.
For further information, please visit:
Realted news articles:
- ICMCC Event 2008 Presents Discussion Panel on Web-based Personal Health Record
- Call for Chapters - Digital Home Care
- ICMCC Event 2008: Patient Empowerment - The Power of Information
- ICMCC Event 2008 - Call for papers
- ICMCC 2007 Call for Papers
- ICMCC announces the first internet portal on information on access to electronic health records
- ICMCC Event 2006
ICMCC (International Council on Medical & Care Compunetics) is an international foundation operating as the knowledge centre for medical and care compunetics, making information on medicine and care available to patients using compunetics as well as distributing information on the use of compunetics in medicine and care to patients and professionals. For further information, visit www.icmcc.org.