CompuGroup Medical Acquires Remaining Share of Profdoc Care

CompuGroup MedicalCompuGroup Medical, the global eHealth company, has strengthened its position in Sweden by ac quiring the remaining 49% share in Profdoc Care AB from Omnison AB, taking its holding in the Swedish company to 100%.

Profdoc Care, originally founded in the early 1990ies, develops the eHealth solution TakeCare which today is installed at Karolinska and 5 other hospitals in Stockholm as well as it is currently being rolled out to the primary care of the region.

The solution implemented, in and around Stockholm, is one of the world's largest eHealth installations with more than 30,000 users and 2,300,000 patient records in one system and one database. TakeCare will be an integrated part of CGMs Hospital solutions that are marketed and sold worldwide.

Henrik Crüger, Senior Vice-President, CompuGroup Medical Northern Europe, said: "Over the recent years we have consolidated our position in the Swedish market. By acquiring the remaining share of Profdoc Care, we are now ready to take on the Swedish market as a stronger player in all aspects of eHealth solutions - including national projects."

Profdoc Care will become fully integrated in CompuGroup Medical Sweden, which makes it one of the largest vendors of IT-solutions for healthcare in Sweden. A total of 200 Swedish CGM employees will work dedicated to build and implement scalable eHealth solutions with the Swedish customers.

General Manager at Profdoc Care, Martin Williamson will enter the executive management team at CGM Sweden and assume the overall responsibility for R&D and Delivery. Martin Williamson will hereby, from a product perspective, ensure that CGM customers in Sweden benefits from having a vendor with market leading products and expert competencies covering all sectors in the Swedish healthcare market.

The executive management team at CGM in Sweden, formed by Martin Williamson and colleagues Linus Fred, Kent Broström and Jonas Westbom, states: "We see huge opportunities in combining our Swedish and international efforts through a stronger and more holistic unit. We believe that by doing so, we can serve our customers even better through new and unique value added solutions that will help increase the quality of the healthcare sector. This will benefit the healthcare professionals and ultimately the patients."

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About CompuGroup Medical AG
CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading eHealth companies worldwide. Its software products, designed to support all medical and organizational activities in doctors’ offices and hospitals, its information services for all parties involved in the healthcare system and its web-based personal health records contribute towards safer and more efficient healthcare. The services of CompuGroup Medi cal are based on its unique customer base of around 370,000 doctors, dentists, hospitals and networks as well as other service providers. CompuGroup Medical is the eHealth company with the biggest coverage among eHealth service providers worldwide. The company operates in 14 European countries, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and in the USA and currently employs around 3,000 people.

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